Managing Principal
Stephen began his career as a Nuclear Machinist's Mate in the US Navy where he formed the foundation for his civilian career. His professional life began in residential construction management and eventually led to the pursuit of his BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering at Mississippi State University. He has spent his engineering career working on complex design projects including weapons systems, commercial power plant systems, and SIL safety systems at chemical processing facilities. Steve spends his free time at his home with his wife and two children in Fort Mill, SC.

Will received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University and began his career in the commercial property development industry as an HVAC engineer and cost estimator. He has spent the last 15 years working as a Mechanical Engineer and Engineering Operations Manager in the engineering consulting industry with a specialization in the industrial manufacturing arena. He spends his free time with his wife and two daughters at their home in Fort Mill, SC. GWC Engineering is thankful to have Will as a key part of this team.